At OpenTable, we understand that many factors contribute to creating great guest experiences at your restaurant. Diners aren’t only craving a fantastic meal. They’re hoping for terrific ambiance and warm hospitality. Understanding what diners enjoyed about their experiences, or what they think could be improved, is key to your continued success. When diners provide feedback via OpenTable reviews, you can take that information and use it to better your business practices and provide the best hospitality for return and future guests.
Now, within GuestCenter and OpenTable Connect, restaurateurs can respond to all OpenTable diner reviews, whether or not they chose to share their contact information with you. The messages shared between you (the restaurant) and your diners won’t appear publicly. Contact information will not be shared between you and the diner during the respond-to- review correspondence and vice versa. You will still have access to a diner’s contact information if it was provided within their reservation. This means you can thank a diner for their most recent five- star review or address specific comments or concerns¹. The ability to respond gives you the chance to level up your hospitality, ensuring that diners that provide valuable feedback are heard.
What are you waiting for?
Learn more about this feature on restaurant community here.
¹Please note, in order to preserve diner user experience, diners may elect to opt-out of receiving notifications of review replies or report abuse.
* This feature is currently live for GuestCenter and OpenTable Connect restaurants with access to the GuestCenter admin features. Contact your account manager or 1300 130 359 for further details.