Wednesday, Thursday, Monday from 12:00am to 3:00pm
The Grilled Veggie SandwichEUR 8.50
Lightly spiced red pepper hummus, grilled courgette and aubergine
The ParisianEUR 7.50
The Classic but delicious butter, white cooked ham and cornichons. Add Emmental and salad for an extra €1.50
The BayonnaisEUR 9.00
Baguette, Bayonne ham, Brie, cornichons, butter
The Very GoatEUR 8.50
Baguette, goat cheese, tomatoes, Bayonne ham pieces
All served with side salad
Croque-MonsieurEUR 11.00
Croque-MadameEUR 12.00
Ham and Cheese CroissantEUR 6.90
Quiche LorraineEUR 8.50
Quiche of the weekEUR 8.50
Soup of the weekEUR 6.50
Serving with his slice of bread or with croutons
The AveyronnaiseEUR 13.00
Apple, pecan nuts, Bleu d’Auvergne, Bayonne ham
Chèvre chaud saladEUR 13.00
Warm goat cheese on toast, honey, nuts, salad, and tomatoes
Lemon curd, shortbread biscuit and meringueEUR 10.00
Spéculos biscuit, marmalade chantilly, orange zestEUR 9.00
Sidjy’s Mommy recipe Apple CakeEUR 9.00
Small Chocolate truffle EUR 3.00