Parmigiana 20.25EUR 14.00
Parmigiana di melanzane / Eggplant parmigiana
Crudo e mozzarella di bufalaEUR 16.00
Prosciutto crudo e mozzarella di bufala / Prosciutto crudo (Italian ham) and buffalo mozzarella
EmpanadasEUR 12.00
Empanadas (ripiene di carne di manzo, cipolla, peperoni, prezzemolo, aglio, aceto e limone) / Empanadas (filled with beef, onion, bell peppers, parsley, garlic, vinegar and lemon)
Polpo, cipolla rossa, friarielli, limoneEUR 18.00
Polpo cotto a bassa temperatura con cipolla rossa, friarielli e limone / Slow-cooked octopus with red onion, friarielli and lemon
Gamberi al panko, teriyaki, vodka, papaveroEUR 16.00
Gamberi fritti in crosta di panko, salsa teriyaki, vodka e semi di papavero / Panko-fried shrimp, teriyaki sauce, vodka and poppy seeds
Salmone, panna acida, curry, erba cipollinaEUR 16.00
Salmone marinato a secco, panna acida, curry ed erba cipollina / Dry-cured salmon with sour cream, curry and chives
Tonno, scarola, olive, capperiEUR 16.00
Tonno scottato con scarola, olive e capperi / Seared tuna with escarole, olives and capers
Bao al vapore con genovese di manzoEUR 14.00
Steamed bao bun filled with slow-cooked beef Genovese sauce
Primi Piatti
First Courses
Mescafrancesca, patate, guanciale, provolaEUR 16.00
Pasta mista con patate, guanciale e provola Mescafrancesca (mixed) pasta with potatoes, pork cheek and provola cheese ALLERGENI/ALLERGENS (1,7)
Ziti alla genoveseEUR 18.00
Ziti con salsa di cipolle e carne di manzo a cottura lenta Ziti pasta with slow-cooked onion and beef sauce ALLERGENI/ALLERGENS (1,7)
Bottone, mozzarella di bufala, pomodoro, pecorinoEUR 18.00
Pasta a forma di bottone ripiena di mozzarella di bufala, con pomodoro e pecorino Button-shaped pasta filled with buffalo mozzarella, served with tomato and pecorino cheese ALLERGENI/ALLERGENS (1,7,12)
Risotto, gamberi rossi, limone, tartufoEUR 24.00
Risotto con gamberi rossi, limone e tartufo Risotto with red prawns, lemon and truffle ALLERGENI/ALLERGENS (1,2,7)*
Spaghetti, cozze, zafferano, prezzemoloEUR 16.00
Spaghetti con cozze, zafferano e prezzemolo Spaghetti with mussels, saffron and parsley ALLERGENI/ALLERGENS (1,13)
Secondi Piatti
Main Courses
Tagliata di manzo, rucola, pomodoro, Parmigiano ReggianoEUR 24.00
Sliced beef steak with rocket, tomato, and Parmesan cheese
Tonno scottato, friarielli, aioliEUR 22.00
Seared tuna with friarielli and aioli
Guancia di manzo, patate, funghi, tartufo neroEUR 22.00
Beef cheek with potatoes, mushrooms, and black truffle
Frittura di gamberi, calamariEUR 20.00
Fried shrimps and calamari
Tomahawk irlandeseEUR 60.00
Irish Tomahawk steak
Dolce morbido al cioccolatoEUR 9.00
Soft chocolate dessert
Ti.ra.mi.suEUR 8.00
Cheesecake, limoni di Sorrento, cioccolato bianco, olio extra vergineEUR 9.00
Cheesecake with Sorrento lemons, white chocolate and extra virgin olive oil
Ricotta di pecora, cioccolato fondente, pistacchio, cacaoEUR 8.00
Sweet sheep ricotta with dark chocolate, pistachio, and cocoa
Gazzosa/Lemonsoda/Chinotto/The FreddoEUR 4.00
Gazzosa/Lemon Soda/Chinotto/Iced Tea
Coca Cola/Coca Cola Zero/Fanta/SpriteEUR 4.00
Coca Cola/Coca Cola Zero/Fanta/Sprite
Acqua Minerale Frizzante/Acqua Minerale NaturaleEUR 3.50
Sparkling Mineral Water/Still Mineral Water
- cl 0,30EUR 5.00
- cl 0,50EUR 8.00
Birra Kozel
Birra st Benoit Ambrée
- cl 0,30EUR 5.00
- cl 0,50EUR 8.00
BarriqueEUR 5.00
Grappa BiancaEUR 5.00
White Grappa
Limoncello/MeloncelloEUR 4.00
Liquirizia/AmaroEUR 4.00
Liquorice/Herbal Liqueur
CaffèEUR 2.00
Cereals containing gluten: i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridized strains and derived products.
Crustaceans and derived products.
Eggs and derived products.
Fish and fish products, except: gelatin or isinglass used as a clarifying agent in beer and wine.
Peanuts and derived products.
Soy and derived products.
Milk and derived products (including lactose).
Frutta a guscio/Tree Nuts
Nuts, i.e.: almonds, hazelnuts, common walnuts, cashew nuts, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, Queensland nuts and derived products.
Celery and derived products.
Mustard and derived products.
Semi di sesamo/Sesame Seeds
Sesame and derived products.
Solfiti/Sulphites and Sulphur Dioxide
In concentration higher than 10 mg/Kg or 10 ml/l expressed as SO2, they are part of a list of allergenic substances.
Lupines and derived products.
Molluscs and derived products.
Prodotti congelati
Frozen products.