CarpaccioCAD 26.00
Tomato BruschettaCAD 17.00
Neptune stuffed mushroomsCAD 19.00
CalamariCAD 22.00
Daily soup
Pernod prawnsCAD 26.00
Steak bitesCAD 25.00
Miso ScallopsCAD 32.00
Chorizo PenneCAD 27.00
Spaghetti alla CarbonaraCAD 30.00
Lobster ravioliCAD 38.00
Angel HairCAD 33.00
Portobello PappardelleCAD 33.00
TaglioliniCAD 35.00
Capelli D'Angelo SaltimboccaCAD 28.00
Cajun Chicken AlfredoCAD 31.00
Half Pasta & Salad/SoupCAD 21.00
Choice of any of our pastas
Tomato Goat SaladCAD 25.00
Ensalada CapreseCAD 18.50
Caesar Salad
Thai Steak SaladCAD 35.00
Seasonal Desserts
Warm Sticky Date PuddingCAD 14.50
Crispy Banana CheesecakeCAD 14.50
Crème BruléeCAD 12.50
Pot de CrèmeCAD 11.75
Fresh bowl of strawberriesCAD 8.00
New York SteakCAD 45.00
Beef TenderloinCAD 44.50
Top SirloinCAD 37.00
SwordfishCAD 33.00
Choice of toppers, lemon caper butter or creole butter or bruschetta & Balsamic Glaze
Steelhead SalmonCAD 32.00
Choice of toppers, lemon caper butter or creole butter or bruschetta & Balsamic Glaze
Lamb RackCAD 50.00
Apple Chicken SupremeCAD 38.00
Duck BreastCAD 36.00
Coconut Curry Chicken RisottoCAD 31.00
Grilled Tomato RisottoCAD 26.00
Fish & Chips