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Restaurants near Singuang Ferry Wharf

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A photo of MAOMAOLEE寵物餐廳 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Italian • Lingya District
Booked 1 time today
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️✨煩請先詳閱餐廳相關資訊再訂位呦?O⚠️每個用餐時段的前15分鐘系統即停止受理訂位建議各位親愛的把拔麻麻提早訂位,才能選到想要帶毛寶貝一起來吃飯飯的時段唷。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。❤️營業時間:11:00 - 21:30
中午:11:00 - 13:30(不供應下午茶餐點)
下午茶:12:00 - 16:30(1400後只供應下午茶餐點、飲料、炸物)
晚餐:17:30 - 20:30(不供應下午茶餐點)?個人低消平日150+10%(不含毛毛餐點之費用)。假日280+10%(不含毛毛餐點之費用)。
Apple pay
A photo of 涮乃葉日式涮涮鍋吃到飽 高雄大遠百店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Lingya District
Booked 1 time today
訂位須知-全年無休訂位人數:可接受 1-12 位訂位(含大人與小孩) * 超過 12 人的訂位,歡迎電話預約,由門市人員為您服務接受訂位時間:開放30天內預定訂位訂位保留時間:10分鐘,超過即取消,由現場顧客候補訂位完成後,需更改人數或時間請撥打電話至門市,由門市人員協助更改其他說明消費酌收10%服務費。最後進場時間:打烊前60分鐘用餐不足100分鐘、請見諒、如您不介意 我們仍歡迎您用餐更多優惠訊息及活動請搜尋官網:https://www.syabuyo.com.tw
A photo of InterContinental Kaohsiung高雄洲際酒店 WA-RA 割烹 Kappo restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service • Cianjhen District
Kaohsiung Intercontinental Hotel Invites You to Join in Supporting Sustainable Environmental Actions*The Kaohsiung Intercontinental Hotel is committed to environmental sustainability. The hotel's restaurants will continue to reduce the use of disposable utensils. Guests dining at the WA-RA Japanese restaurant will be provided with eco-friendly takeout containers for food to go, with an additional charge of NT$30 for each container. *If you choose to take food out yourself from the restaurant, a 10% service fee will apply (the eco-friendly container fee will be waived).The Kaohsiung Intercontinental Hotel thanks you for your contributions to protecting the Earth. Together, let’s support sustainable environmental actions and create a beautiful new world by saving energy.※ For reservations, please call the restaurant at 07-3390303. Our representatives will assist you from Tuesday to Sunday after 2:30 PM. ※WA-RA Kaiseki Set MenuOpening Hours: Thursday to Saturday for dinnerSeating Times: 6:30 PM for seating, 7:00 PM prompt startIndividual Experience: NT$3,800 + 10% service chargeStarting from February 1, 2024, a deposit of NT$1,000 per person will be required for reservations.For reservations of four or more people and inquiries about children's dining needs, please call us.※ Limited seating available; reservations are subject to availability. No waiting list will be offered on-site.※ Due to the need for advance preparation of ingredients, same-day reservations cannot be accepted.※ The menu below is for reference only; actual dishes will be based on seasonal ingredients.
A photo of 和逸飯店‧高雄中山館 Cozzi THE Roof restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Breakfast • Cianjhen District
#訂位注意事項1.訂位開放「一個月內」的訂位。2.訂位保留10分鐘,如超過時間未完成報到, Cozzi THE Roof保留取消訂位之權利。3.若有熱門時段或日期湧入大量貴賓進行訂位中,可能會看到顯示無法訂位的狀態,煩請致電餐廳,感謝您!4.9人以上/中式桌菜/會議專案/包場活動,歡迎透過電話(07)975-6677或E-mail:ck.zs@hotelcozzi.com 提前預訂。5.若小朋友不需使用兒童餐具,訂位時請將人數計入大人之人數,若小朋友需使用兒童餐具,訂位時請將人數計入小孩之人數,若小朋友須使用兒童椅,請將人數計入兒童椅之人數。6.餐廳桌位皆為四人方桌座位,靠窗座位無法併桌。7.自備酒類將收取酒水服務費,烈酒每瓶NT$500,紅白酒或其他酒類每瓶NT$300,本店提供酒杯做使用。#大眾交通資訊高捷紅線 - 三多商圈站3號出口出站,飯店館內餐廳就在捷運出口左邊建築物搭乘電梯至30樓#貼心提醒:捷運3號出口有上行手扶梯;捷運4號出口有上下行手扶梯&升降梯,若提有大件行李或嬰兒車之客人可沿飯店大樓騎樓往一心路和三多路口過馬路即抵達 #停車資訊特約停車場為國泰中央大樓地下停車場B4-B5,入口請於前鎮區中山二路258巷進入,因車位有限,恕無法預先保留車位。請停放於臨時停車區(深藍色招牌),若於室內停車場未有合適車位,15分鐘內可免費離場。#用餐消費發票滿NT$1,000可折抵1小時停車費,滿NT$2,000可折抵2小時,以此類推。🎁春節特殊菜單除夕-初五已上線~敬請提早預定來電保留席位(除夕晚餐餐期客滿中)
A photo of PARA restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Contemporary Asian • Cianjhen District
Booked 1 time today
【消費須知】-營業時間-• 午餐時段:11:30-14:00(最後入席時間12:30)• 晚餐時段:17:30-21:00(最後入席時間19:00)• 特殊節慶、颱風等營業/店休日依餐廳公告為主-訂位菜單-• 年度精選套餐『溯』 每套NT$2,680起/人+10%服務費• 午間套餐 NT$1,680起/人+10%服務費(平日中午限定)-佐餐飲料組合- Wine pairing:4杯 NT$1,280/組 Non-alcoholic Pairing:3杯 NT$800/組 Tea pairing: 3杯 NT$500/組 (以上另加10%服務費) -自帶酒水服務費-• 750ml以內之葡萄酒 NT$1,000/瓶• 烈酒 NT$1,200/瓶(需求6支酒杯以上酌收洗杯費NT$150/支)-訂位須知-• 訂位酌收訂金 NT$1,500/人。• 訂位確認後會再寄發匯款資訊,需於收到通知後72小時內匯款。• 匯款後查帳需3~5個工作天,確認匯款金額無誤會再寄發通知。• 於用餐日72小時前取消訂位,訂金將全數退還(將扣除 NT$10轉帳手續費用),退款需8~16個工作天,用餐日72小時內取消,恕訂金不予退還(以上皆不含公告店休日)。• 過敏或飲食忌口的食材,請於備註欄註明,或於用餐日前一週透過訂位系統或來電告知。• 非過敏或忌口食材,恕無法調整,亦無提供無麩質套餐及兒童餐點;素食(蛋奶素)需求最晚須於用餐日前一週告知,逾時恕無法調整。• 僅提供套餐,套餐價格含水資,不含酒水費用。• 菜單內容均視新鮮及季節性食材而定。• 每人低消為一份套餐 + 10%服務費。• 訂位保留15分鐘,訂位更動(飲食忌口、人數增減及其他需求等)請於用餐日3天前來電或以E-mail/Facebook/Instagram私訊告知。• 訂位保留15分鐘,開餐後15分鐘若未入席則取消訂位,恕不退還訂金,如有特殊情況請提前告知。• 如有特殊情況,可接受經由E-mail/Facebook/Instagram私訊訂位(依實際完成訂位為主,恕無法特別保留座位);人數6人(含)以上訂位/包廂/包場活動,歡迎透過電話或E-mail洽詢。• 電話時間僅於營業日接聽。E-mail:pararestaurant.tw@gmail.comIG:pararestaurant.twFB:PARA restaurant• 為維護餐點品質,本餐廳無提供外帶、打包服務。-孩童-• 為用餐環境安全考量,全天候餐期僅接待10歲以上貴賓,攜帶10歲以下孩童,則訂位視為無效,訂金亦不退還;10歲貴賓計算在訂位人數中,餐點內容與成人無異。-私人包廂-• 指定包廂空間(最多容納10人):最低餐飲消費 NT$30,000(不含折扣),低消可含Wine pairing、Non-alcoholic pairing、Tea pairing及開瓶費。• 請於訂位完成後3天內預付50%訂金,未於時間內完成匯款即視為訂位失敗,恕不另外通知。• 請於用餐日72小時前取消訂位,訂金將全數退還,退款需8~16個工作天,用餐日72小時內取消,恕訂金無法退還(以上皆不含公告店休日)。• 指定包廂需達包廂基本消費。• 包廂僅接待10歲以上孩童,無另提供兒童餐點。• 任何訂位更動(飲食過敏、人數增減及其他需求等)請於該訂位3個工作日前來電或E-mail/Facebook/Instagram私訊告知。-注意事項-1. 餐廳僅接待10歲以上貴賓。2. 恕無法指定座位。3. 請著半正式休閒服,禁止穿著拖鞋、背心、汗衫、運動短褲。4. 本餐廳皆為吧台座位,請勿於用餐時段任意跨越桌面,避免造成危險。5. 為維護用餐品質,餐廳現場禁止使用閃光燈或其他照明燈具,亦禁止直播。6. 禁帶外食。7. 用餐期間請將手機轉為靜音震動,交談或通話請保持禮儀音量。8. 如有行動不便或特別協助之賓客,煩請提前告知,我們將盡力協助。9. 因不可抗因素或意外,本餐廳保留取消或更改預約之權利。10. 為維護用餐體驗,開餐時間請準時入席,若貴賓於入席時間未抵達,餐點依然按流程出餐,恕不提供額外加時。11. 若因不當使用餐具及餐廳設備(如敲擊、敲杯、當手機架等.)造成裂痕或破損將會收取賠償費用。12. 特殊菜單供應期間相關須知請參照Inline公告為主,也歡迎私訊洽詢,我們將儘快於可回覆時間答覆。13. 訂金退款請於取消訂位後主動通知店家,必須提供『存摺封面』私訊IG、Messenger或Mail至pararestaurant.tw@gmail.com,並僅接受原匯款帳戶退款,退款作業需8-16天工作天及扣除銀行手續費10元。
A photo of Woosa洋食パンケーキ 屋莎洋食鬆餅屋 高雄大遠百 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Café • Lingya District
☁️2/26起,訂位資訊將從「簡訊」改至「LINE」通知[![Alt Text](https://i.imgur.com/avPID7j.jpg "Image Title (optional)")](https://inline.app/order/-L36k4RLcQz0pL4FOIT7:inline-live-woosa/-L36k4RLcQz0pL4FOIT8 "Link Title (optional)")
A photo of 承億酒店 両鍋 極上鍋物 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Unspecified • Cianjhen District
両鍋極上鍋物,主打昆布為主的新鮮湯頭,提供帝王蟹、龍蝦、干貝、生蠔等美味海鮮及日本A5和牛。「両」為日本漢字的「兩」,有一鍋兩吃之意,在品嚐完鮮美鍋物的結尾為自己烹調一份美味的雜炊,為用餐畫下完美的句點。※營業時間 11:30 - 21:00 (20:00最後點餐)※※龍蝦為每日限量供應售完為止,建議須提前預訂※※12歲以上低消 480 元 或 套餐一份,12歲以下免低消※※當日消費NT$ 1,000可折抵停車費1小時※※禁帶外食,酒類按照種類酌收開瓶費用※※座位包含吧檯,依餐廳規劃排桌入席,恕無法指定座位※※如兩人無法訂位或超過四位以上請來電訂席,謝謝您※
A photo of InterContinental Kaohsiung高雄洲際酒店 WA-RA 日式餐廳 restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service • Cianjhen District
Kaohsiung InterContinental Hotel Invites You to Support Sustainable and Environmental InitiativesThe Kaohsiung InterContinental Hotel is committed to environmental sustainability. Starting from June 21, the hotel restaurants will continue to reduce the use of disposable tableware. Guests dining at WA-RA Japanese Restaurant who request takeout will be provided with eco-friendly containers, and an additional NT$30 will be charged per container.If you choose to take out your meal directly from the restaurant, a 10% service charge will be applied (no eco-friendly container fee).The Kaohsiung InterContinental Hotel thanks you for your contribution to protecting the planet. Let's join hands in supporting sustainable and environmentally friendly actions, saving energy, and creating a beautiful new world together.WA-RA Japanese Restaurant will launch a brand-new à la carte menu and personal set menus starting from January 1, 2025, offering customers a different culinary experience.The new à la carte menu introduces several innovative dishes, allowing guests to enjoy fresh selections. These dishes not only continue the restaurant’s refined Japanese culinary style but also incorporate seasonal ingredients, aiming to satisfy a wide range of tastes. Whether it’s traditional sushi, sashimi, or creative dishes, customers can experience a blend of classic flavors and innovative cuisine.WA-RA's personal set menus will be updated according to the most suitable ingredients for each season, ensuring that every season’s set menu presents the most delicious and nutritious ingredients of the time. These sets will feature fresh seafood, seasonal vegetables, and special dishes tailored to the season, providing customers with a unique dining experience that changes with the seasons.These new offerings make each dining experience even more special, whether you are a fan of traditional cuisine or someone eager to try fresh flavors, WA-RA Japanese Restaurant has something to suit every guest’s preference.WA-RA Japanese Restaurant Business Hours and Menu InformationTuesday to Friday:Dinner: 6:00 PM – 1:00 AM (last order at 12:00 AM)Bar: 6:00 PM – 1:30 AMSaturday and Sunday: Open from 5:00 PM(Bar snacks available from 10:00 PM, last order at 1:00 AM, minimum order of one drink per person)Closed on MondaysAll prices are subject to an additional 10% service charge.Dinner is only available from the à la carte menu.Corkage fee: NT$500 per bottle for wine; NT$1,000 per bottle for spirits and sake.Reservations for the next month open on the 20th of each month.WA-RA Japanese Restaurant operates on a reservation-only basis and accepts both online and phone reservations. For parties of 6 or more, please contact the restaurant directly at 07-3390303 after 2:30 PM for personalized assistance.For any changes to your reservation (date, time, number of guests, etc.), please be sure to inform us by phone.If your call is not answered due to a busy line, we apologize for the inconvenience.
A photo of Barkao restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service • Cianjhen District
BAR KAO 泰式餐酒館營業時間午餐:11:30-15:00(最後點餐14:00)晚餐:17:30-21:00(最後點餐21:00)宵夜:21:00-24:00 (最後點餐23:00)包廂需求及包場活動歡迎致電洽詢自帶酒水費用及規定不限種類,每瓶800元餐廳及用餐規定:1.禁止攜帶外食及飲品2.用餐時間2小時,若後無訂位不會告知離席3.當日消費NT$ 1,000可折抵停車費1小時4.依餐廳規劃排桌入席,恕無法指定座位5.本店無低消,酌收10%服務費6.餐點均為現點現做請耐心等候7.破盤破杯均酌收損壞費用8.室內聊天需降低音量避免打擾鄰桌9.孩童請勿於店內奔跑嬉戲以確保安全10.若嘔吐於馬桶以外區域將收取2000元清潔費
A photo of 逐鹿炭火燒肉 高雄店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Barbecue • Lingya District
線上訂位須知:1.可接受2至8人的訂位(含大人跟小孩),超過8人請來電預約:屏東店 (08)732-2255。2.需於用餐前一天完成訂位,線上開放30天內的訂位。3.本餐廳於用餐當日將為您保留座位10分鐘逾時將自動取消座位。4.訂位完成後,將透過簡訊確認您的訂位資訊。5.如要取消訂位,請於收到簡訊時,點選取消訂位。6.訂位完成後,如欲修改訂位,請您先取消原訂單重新訂位。7.用餐當日如需增加人數,本餐廳得視現場實際情況調整。8.本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位之權利。營業時間: 平日 中午 11:00~15:30、晚上17:00~22:30假日 全日 11:00~22:30 用餐時間為120分鐘 (點餐時間為90分鐘) 收費標準: 大人(身高130公分以上)659元小孩(身高100~130公分以內)259元兒童(身高100公分以下)免費以上價格須另加10%服務費

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