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These OpenTable Rewards Program Terms (these “Reward Program Terms”) are applicable to consumer users of OpenTable sites and services located in Australia.

It is your responsibility to read and understand the terms regarding the OpenTable Rewards program, outlined below. OpenTable may update or revise these Reward Program Terms from time to time. You agree that you will review these Reward Program Terms periodically. You are free to decide whether or not to accept a modified version of these Reward Program Terms, but accepting these Reward Program Terms, as modified, is required for you to continue using the content, features, and services (the “Services”) made available by OpenTable. You may have to click “accept” or “agree” to show your acceptance of any modified version of these Reward Program Terms. If you do not agree to these Reward Program Terms or any modified version of these Reward Program Terms, you must terminate your use of the Services, in which case you will no longer have access to your OpenTable account.

How Do I Join the OpenTable Rewards Program?

  • For eligible members, joining the OpenTable Rewards program is easy. Simply become a registered OpenTable member by creating an OpenTable account and follow any applicable instructions for joining the program.
  • The OpenTable Rewards program may not be available in all jurisdictions.

How Do I Collect Dining Points?

  • Only eligible, registered OpenTable members can participate in the OpenTable Rewards program and collect Dining Points. To collect Dining Points, an eligible member must first sign into his or her OpenTable account and make a reservation that is initiated on an OpenTable website, mobile site or app (each, an “OpenTable Site” and collectively, the “OpenTable Sites”). The member can then collect the number of Dining Points, if any, indicated when he or she made the reservation on an OpenTable Site after the dining party has honored the reservation and paid for the meal. If a reservation is eligible for Dining Points, OpenTable will disclose the number of Dining Points associated with that reservation through means such as displaying the number of Dining Points on the reservation detail and confirmation pages or the reservation confirmation email.
  • OpenTable reservations that are not initiated on an OpenTable Site are not eligible for Dining Points.
  • As noted above, an eligible member may only collect Dining Points for reservations made while signed into the member’s OpenTable account on an OpenTable Site.
  • OpenTable does not award Dining Points if a member or dining party is unable, for any reason, to make or honor an online reservation. Reasons a member may be prevented from making a reservation online include, but are not limited to:
    • technical difficulties
    • restaurant does not accept online reservations for the requested party size
    • restaurant is closed
    • restaurant does not take reservations that far in advance
  • Members will not collect any Dining Points when a reservation is canceled or the member or dining party does not show up for the reservation.
  • Unless otherwise stated, Dining Points will not be awarded for reservations for which rewards under the OpenTable Rewards program are redeemed.
  • Opportunities to collect Dining Points, and the amount of Dining Points collectable for any restaurant or particular reservation or other activity, may change from time to time at OpenTable’s sole discretion.

Do My Dining Points Expire?

  • Subject to the other provisions of these Reward Program Terms, Dining Points will expire three years from the end of the calendar quarter in which such Dining Points were collected. For example, Dining Points collected by a member on October 1, 2020 will expire at 11:59 pm AEDT, on September 30, 2023.
  • If in any 12-month period an OpenTable member does not collect any Dining Points for a reservation made on an OpenTable Site, then all of the member’s collected Dining Points shall be forfeited, and his or her OpenTable membership may be subject to termination.

How Do I Redeem Dining Points?

OpenTable offers different rewards for which you can redeem your Dining Points.

  • Redemption options and methods may change from time to time at OpenTable’s sole discretion.
  • To redeem your Dining Points, please log into your OpenTable account on the OpenTable website (from your desktop or laptop).
  • All redemptions are final.
  • To redeem Dining Points for certain rewards, you may be required to make a reservation.
  • The number of Dining Points required to be redeemed for different rewards may vary and will be determined in OpenTable’s sole discretion.

Additional Terms

  • Do My Dining Points Expire?•Subject to the other provisions of these Reward Program Terms, Dining Points will expire three years from the end of the calendar quarter in which such Dining Points were collected. For example, Dining Points collected by a member on October 1, 2020 will expire at 11:59 pm AEDT, on September 30, 2023.•If in any 12-month period an OpenTable member does not collect any Dining Points for a reservation made on an OpenTable Site, then all of the member’s collected Dining Points shall be forfeited, and his or her OpenTable membership may be subject to termination.How Do I Redeem Dining Points?OpenTable offers different rewards for which you can redeem your Dining Points.•Redemption options and methods may change from time to time at OpenTable’s sole discretion.•To redeem your Dining Points, please log into your OpenTable account on the OpenTable website (from your desktop or laptop).•All redemptions are final.•To redeem Dining Points for certain rewards, you may be required to make a reservation.•The number of Dining Points required to be redeemed for different rewards may vary and will be determined in OpenTable’s sole discretion.Additional Terms•
  • OpenTable reserves the right to terminate a member’s OpenTable account and cancel any or all collected Dining Points if OpenTable believes, in its sole discretion, that the member is abusing the OpenTable Rewards program or is misrepresenting any information furnished to OpenTable.
  • If a member or dining party is unable to honor a reservation and fails to cancel in advance, OpenTable will send the member who made the reservation an email stating that OpenTable’s records indicate there was a no-show. If a member’s account accumulates four (4) no-show reservations within a twelve-month period, OpenTable will cancel that member’s OpenTable account and all collected Dining Points.
  • Should OpenTable offer rewards from or through any partners, OpenTable will not be responsible for any partner’s participation in or withdrawal from the OpenTable Rewards program.
  • Dining Points collected in two or more different OpenTable accounts (other than accounts under OpenTable’s Administrative Assistant and/or Concierge programs) cannot be combined for redemption.
  • Members are solely responsible for any tax liability related to participation in the OpenTable Rewards program.
  • Inquiries regarding Dining Points assigned to a reservation must be submitted via email within 14 days after the date of the reservation in order to be considered for review by OpenTable.
  • These Reward Program Terms are a part of our Terms of Use and such Terms of Use are incorporated by reference herein.

If you need further information or clarification please visit our FAQs.

REVISION DATE: November 19, 2020